Grant Making Practice Sector News & Trends

Funding Journalism: A Guide for Canadian Philanthropy

This guide is part of Inspirit Foundation’s ongoing effort to bridge the information gap between philanthropy and journalism in Canada. It was created in collaboration with the Local News Research Project at Toronto Metropolitan University and Philanthropic Foundations Canada.

It contains practical information and tools for foundations interested in funding journalism.

Journalism can influence dominant narratives and plays an important role in driving public conversations that affect our lives. In a well-functioning democracy, quality journalism provides trustworthy information to the public. It helps citizens hold power accountable. And it creates a forum where people from diverse backgrounds can engage in dialogue across lines of difference.

While journalism’s contributions to a healthy society are widely recognized, funding journalism is still uncharted territory for many philanthropic donors, staff, and boards of directors.

Also check out “Funding Journalism, Strengthening Communities,” a series of case studies highlighting philanthropic support for journalism across the country.

If you have questions or insights about philanthropic funding for journalism in Canada or are interested in collaborating, please reach out to Ana Sofía Hibon and stay tuned for upcoming resources.