Project Scope

Helping foundations toward greater engagement and better participation in Canada's nonprofit data ecosystem

Over the last several years, we have seen growing interest and attention to data amongst philanthropic actors. But the philanthropic sector could be working together more effectively to meet its data needs, those of other charities and nonprofits, and capitalize on windows of opportunity. 

PFC is partnering with Ontario Trillium Foundation, Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience, and the Ontario Nonprofit Network to convene philanthropic leaders and work together to co-create tangible strategies to advance change on how funders engage with data and participate in the nonprofit data ecosystem.   

We seek to address the disjointed data environment that currently exists across the sector by increasing cohesion and positive action on sector data initiatives involving funders. 

The initiative builds on work undertaken by PFC, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Powered by Data, and others, which culminated in research as reported in, “Toward a Shared Data Strategy for the Philanthropic Sector.”  

Canadian Centre for Nonprofit Digital Resilience

Ontario Nonprofit Network

Ontario Trillium Foundation

Philanthropic Foundations Canada