Philanthropy and Reconciliation Reconciliation is not an indigenous issue, it is a Canadian issue. Organized philanthropy is in a unique position to support Canada’s efforts towards reconciliation and to shape a future that is inclusive and respectful for everyone. Below, you will find resources to help you take action regardless of whether indigenous philanthropy is incorporated in your funding priorities. Philanthropy and Reconciliation Leaders Share Steps to Reconciliation Indigenous Leaders shared their ideas regarding practical steps philanthropic organizations can take towards reconciliation at the 2016 PFC Conference in Vancouver in November. Paul Lacerte, member of the Carrier First Nation in northern BC, presents a Cowichan woven blanket as a gift to PFC Chair, Laura Manning, and PFC President, Hilary Pearson, at the PFC Vancouver Conference 2016. Declaration of Action PFC joined with the philanthropic community to make a Declaration of Action to the final session of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In this Declaration several organizations and foundations have committed ourselves to building better more positive relations with Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples in the wake of the tragedy of the Indian residential schools. The Declaration is evergreen and open for further signatories. Please go to the Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada to sign on. Other Resources The Foundations Partnering for Reconciliation (FPR) initiative is intended to build on the commitments made in the Philanthropic Community’s Declaration of Action. In June 2016, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario hosted a group of Declaration signatories and Indigenous organizations in Toronto for the inaugural FPR event. The FPR Summit Report provides a summary of this event. In 2016, The Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada partnered with PFC, Inspirit Foundation, The Counselling Foundation of Canada, The Martin Family Initiative, The Lawson Foundation, The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), and Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network (CEGN) to create the Journey to Reconciliation Webinar Series. Webinar recordings will be added here as they become available. I Don’t Want to Say the Wrong Thing! Shedding Light on Language (June 23, 2016) Pens to Paper, Words to Action: Activating the Philanthropic Community’s First Step to Reconciliation (February 16, 2017) Reconciliation Canada engages Canadians in dialogue and transformative experiences that revitalize the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. They offer Reconciliation Learning Experiences for Organizations (including Dialogue Workshops, Lunch and Learn Sessions, and more) to help organizations begin their own dialogue and understanding around reconciliation. The Back Pocket Reconciliation Action Plan is part of Reconciliation Canada’s national engagement strategy to build a national narrative on reconciliation and catalyze action. It is a starting point for individuals to think about how to make reconciliation part of their lives.