Let’s Keep the Conversations Going 26 November 2020 / Registration Closed Published: November 26, 2020 Events Let’s Keep the Conversations Going The 2020 PFC Virtual Gathering addressed some of the key issues highlighted by COVID-19: diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) responding to anti-racist movements, adopting an equity lens to grantmaking and governance, sustainability and economic recovery, climate change, partnership-based philanthropy, emerging practices, and the future of philanthropy in this changing world. During these 3-days, the philanthropic community has stepped up to address both the urgent and systemic needs highlighted by the global COVID-19 crisis facing Canadians. One thing that was very clear from the time spent together is that COVID-19 has drawn attention and amplified existing disparities in Canadian society and worldwide. In the face of the pandemic, we are not all equal, nor are we when confronted with climate change and other disruptions. How can we improve our collective impact and relevance working with our partners in governments, civil society, and the private sector? What have we learned in recent months? How can we address power imbalances to achieve meaningful and sustainable results? Below you will find video recordings, recaps (short and long-form) of each day, blogs, and resources, that were shared during the various sessions. PFC would like to thank everyone who contributed and participated in our 2020 Virtual Gathering, as well as our presenting partners: The Community Foundations Canada (CFC), The Circle, Environment Funders (EFC), Share, Rally, The Clean Economy Fund, Ashoka Canada, the Mallet Institute, and the Foundation of Greater Montreal. We look forward to connecting with you in 2021, dates TBA.