COVID-19 COVID-19, Cybersecurity & Working from Home Published: avril 9, 2020 FCwebinar Wednesday will focus on various aspects of cybersecurity in your organization, with steps on how to make improvements. Videos COVID-19 COVID-19, Cybersecurity & Working from Home This edition of #PFCwebinar Wednesday will focus on various aspects of cybersecurity in your organization, with steps on how to make improvements. In today’s connected world, everyone benefits from advanced cyber defense strategies. At an individual level, a cybersecurity attack can result in everything from identity theft, to extortion attempts, to the loss of important data like family photos. At an organizational level, specifically for non-profits, criminals have a tendency to target smaller organizations because they are seen as less tech-savvy. Data is what cybercriminals crave. And non-profits hold sensitive data such as donor information, Social Insurance Numbers, private emails, health information, employee and volunteer records and so on. For more info, this article from TechSoup Canada is a good read: Presentation Slides:… Here is a very short follow up survey– if you can take the (less than) 5 minutes to let us know what additional tools, resources, support you need to navigate COVID-19, we, as PFC and as a sector, can work to respond and support and help us all stay ahead: