Conférences En personne

Conférence 2024 Together 25 Ensemble – en célébration du 25ième anniversaire de FPC

23 - 25 septembre 2024 / Registration Closed

Merci d’être venus ensemble et d’avoir fait de cette conférence la plus importante jamais organisée !!!!

Merci à tous ceux qui se sont réunis à Ottawa du 23 au 25 septembre 2024. Nous publierons prochainement des informations complémentaires pour permettre à chacun de se remémorer la conférence ou d’en faire l’expérience a posteriori.

Nous vous remercions,
L’équipe de la conférence FPC

La conférence nationale 2024 de FPC Together 25 Ensemble sera la plus importante jamais organisée. Elle réunira les membres, amis, partenaires et chefs de file du secteur afin d’échanger, d’apprendre et d’explorer de nouvelles idées sur la façon dont la philanthropie peut s’attaquer aux défis urgents de notre époque. Nous croyons au pouvoir de l’apprentissage, de l’échange et de l’action collective, et cet événement sera un catalyseur de changement et de croissance.

Nous avons conçu une conférence qui allie apprentissage, dialogue et collaboration afin de permettre au secteur philanthropique de jouer un rôle plus important dans la promotion d’un avenir juste, équitable et durable.

Pour souligner le 25e anniversaire de notre réseau  et tabler sur le succès de notre conférence de 2022 à Montréal  nous vous invitons à vous joindre à nous encore cette année!

Ce qui vous attend

Sur la base du retour d’information des conférences précédentes, voici ce que nous prévoyons déjà d’offrir :

  • Une approche pragmatique, adaptée et collaborative grâce à la participation des membres à la conception et à la présentation de la conférence.
  • Un engagement et un impact réel, favorisés par de multiples formats d’apprentissage menés par des collègues et des leaders du secteur.
  • Un mélange de connaissances de base, de pratiques exemplaires, de réflexions et d’approches critiques, à travers trois volets thématiques intersectoriels présentant un intérêt majeur pour notre communauté philanthropique.
  • Une représentation inclusive, respectueuse et équitable des intervenants, des animateurs et de la conception des sessions, afin de garantir qu’ils représentent l’étendue et la diversité de notre pays.
  • Un espace authentique pour apprendre de la philanthropie menée par les autochtones et au service des autochtones, et pour la soutenir.
  • De nombreuses occasions de réseautage en personne, ainsi que des rencontres informelles qui facilitent la collaboration et engendrent des relations durables.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre approche, cliquez ici.

Nous nous réunissons sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé du peuple algonquin des Anishnaabeg, où est aujourd’hui sise Ottawa, la capitale nationale du Canada.Nous serons heureux d’accueillir les participants à l’hôtel The Westin Ottawa, le site principal de la conférence. Nous avons également prévu une programmation en soirée à ne pas rater : les personnes présentes découvriront la communauté en visitant le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada et la colline du Parlement.


Lundi, le 23 septembre au mercredi, le 25 septembre, 2024.


Notre conférence s’adresse à tout le secteur philanthropique, en particulier les fondations. Nous y accueillerons des fondations de tous les types, de toutes les tailles, ainsi que des organismes caritatifs et à but non lucratif, des représentants des gouvernements et des universités et des leaders de demain.


Faites défiler vers le bas pour obtenir des informations. De plus amples informations vous parviendront en mai. Veuillez consulter cette page pour obtenir tous les détails sur notre programme, l’inscription et notre foire aux questions.

What you can expect

Based on feedback from previous conferences, Together 25 Ensemble will offer:

  • Pragmatic, responsive, and collaborative approaches through member participation in conference design and presentation
  • Engagement and meaningful impact through multiple learning environments led by one another and sector leaders
  • Content mix of basics, best practices, reflection, and critical approaches, through three cross-cutting streams of key interest to the philanthropic community
  • Inclusive, respectful, and equitable representation in speakers, facilitators, and session design, ensuring they represent the breadth and diversity of our country
  • Authentic space to learn from and support Indigenous-led and Indigenous-serving philanthropy
  • Ample opportunity for one-on-one and informal networking and connection to facilitate ongoing collaboration and impact

Read more about our approach here.

  • Where

    We are gathering on the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People, now home to Canada’s national capital, Ottawa.

    We look forward to welcoming conference goers at The Westin Ottawa as our main conference venue. We also have very exciting evening programs that will take attendees into the community, at the National Gallery of Canada and to Parliament Hill.

  • When

    Monday, September 23 – Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

  • Who

    Our conference is open to the philanthropic sector, with a focus on foundations. We are open to foundations of all types and sizes, alongside nonprofits and charities, government, academia and emerging leaders.

  • How

    Scroll down for information. More items will be added as new elements are confirmed. Please visit this page to get all the up-to-date details on our program, registration, and frequently asked questions.


Registration Info

The event is open to the philanthropic sector, with a focus on foundations.

These are our registration categories:

  • Foundations (PFC members and non-members)
  • Nonprofits and Charities
  • Government
  • Academia
  • Students / underemployed
  • Confirmed PFC national conference partners
Foundation Ticket Types

Pricing Table

Ticket Types – Other than foundations

Pricing Table

Thank You to Our Partners

Addenda Capital

Principal Partner
With more than $37 billion in assets under management, Addenda Capital is recognized as a leader in sustainable investing. From climate transition to impact investing to traditional strategies, the Firm’s multi-asset solutions seek to provide enhanced returns for its institutional and private wealth clientele. Co-owned by The Co-operators Group and its employees, Addenda employs over 179 people in its offices in Toronto, Guelph and Regina, with its head office in Montreal. The firm is a signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative, the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and its Montréal Carbon Pledge, and is an Investor Member of the Green Bond Principles.


Supporting Partner

Diversity Institute

Supporting Partner

Goodman Foundation

Supporting Partner

Imagine Canada

Supporting Partner

Jarislowsky Fraser Limited

Supporting Partner


Supporting Partner

Miller Thomson

Supporting Partner

Myriad Canada

Supporting Partner

National Gallery of Canada

Supporting Partner

OPTrust Select

Supporting Partner


Supporting Partner


Supporting Partner

Realize Capital Partners

Supporting Partner

Responsible Communications

Supporting Partner

Tapestry Community Capital

Supporting Partner

Rally Assets

Supporting Partner

WCPD Foundation 

Supporting Partner

YellowTree Grant Services Inc.

Supporting Partner

The Philanthropist Journal

Media Partner


The 2024 Annual Conference is being held at:

The Westin Ottawa
11 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1N 9H4

Our Policies

Philanthropic Foundations Canada and our membership wishes to ensure a culture of openness, clarity and kindness. Our refund and non-solicitation policy are here for your reference.

  • Non-Solicitation Policy

    PFC Purpose Statement
    The members of Philanthropic Foundations Canada are individually and collectively committed to the public good. We believe that public trust in our performance and behaviour is reinforced through the integrity and honesty we demonstrate in all our relationships, dealings, and transactions.

    PFC Non-solicitation policy
    One of the primary strengths and benefits of PFC membership is the ability to network and, in some cases, collaborate to improve the sector. This takes place both formally and informally. Members are encouraged to reach out to other members who may have similar identified interests. Members may also review the Member Directory, located on the PFC website, or contact the PFC Team for knowledge of potential collaborators. By working together, greater impact often results.

    PFC Conference Non-solicitation policy
    We are committed to fostering an environment in which all conference attendees can engage in meaningful discussions, networking, and collaboration. We ask all conference attendees not to engage in uninvited solicitation for funding, investment, or any form of financial transaction during the conference. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Refund Policy

    PFC Conference Cancellation Policy

    Refund fees are scheduled as follows:

    • Cancellation before September 9 – full refund minus a $100 processing fee
    • Cancellation on or after September 10, or for no-shows – non-refundable
    • Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing by email to

    Substitutions / Ticket transfers may be made at any time; however, only one substitution is permitted per registration, in accordance with PFC’s eligibility policy. The individual submitting the substitution request is responsible for ensuring that all financial obligations (any balance due) associated with that registration and substitution are met and that contact information for the new registrant is updated with PFC’s registration team. Requests for substitutions must be submitted in writing by email to

  • Payment policy

    We accept VISA, American Express (AMEX), MasterCard, EFTs, E-transfers and cheques as methods of payment.

    Electronic Funds Transfer
    Bank information: TD Canada Trust
    Beneficiary: Philanthropic Foundations Canada
    Transit number: 00171
    Institution: (0) 004
    Bank account: 5217071
    Note: please specify sender and purpose of contribution

    Please send to
    Note: you will need to send password in a separate email to

    To pay by cheque
    Please make cheques payable to: Philanthropic Foundations Canada
    Mail your cheque with a copy of your invoice to:
    Philanthropic Foundations Canada, 1095 St. Alexandre Street, Montréal, Québec, H2Z 1P8

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are frequently asked questions about the 2024 national conference.

Stay tuned for more details

Be on the lookout for the conference agenda – including Speakers and Session news – which will be released in the coming weeks.

Save Monday, September 23 through to Wednesday, September 25, 2024 in your calendar, spread the word, and start getting into the “spirit of One Drum”. Let’s keep working together to strengthen Canadian philanthropy for a just, equitable, and sustainable world.