Exclusively for PFC Members In Person Online

Meeting of the PFC Investment Roundtable

28 November 2023 / Registration Closed

Foundations’ investment strategies in the current economic context: updates, challenges, and initiatives.

We are delighted to invite all existing Roundtable members, together with all other Board directors and staff in charge of investments in their respective PFC member foundations, to attend the next hybrid meeting of this Peer Learning initiative chaired by PFC Board Director MJ Sinha.


  • Tuesday, 28 November from 10:30 AM ET (in person attendance)
    and from 11:00 AM ET (online attendance)


  • Foundation House (2 St Clair St E, Suite 300, Toronto) or Online

Who | PFC Host and Co-Facilitators:

  • Jean-Marc Mangin, President & CEO
  • MJ Sinha, Board Director
  • André Vashist, Director, Learning & Collaboration

What | Program:

  • 10:30-11:00 ET: Networking coffee for in-person participants at Foundation House (in-person)
  • 11:00-12:30 ET: Roundtable Discussion between in-person and online attendees
    • Words of Welcome, Land Acknowledgement, Context-Setting, Tour de Table
    • Open discussion around diverse public and private market investment topics
      • Asset mix and strategies; Exposure to oil and gas; Responsible investing; Private equity venture capital allocations and/or valuations; Private fixed income allocation; Impact investing
    • Other topics of interest to members
      • Hiring a new manager; Revisiting asset mix; Outsourcing Chief Investment Officer; Fixed terms and sunset/spend-down approaches.
    • Summary and Next Steps

How | Registration:

  1. To attend in-person, thank you for completing the form below
  2. To attend online, thank you for completing this Zoom videoconference form

Use or share this link if you or colleagues in charge of investments wish to join this peer-learning initiative.