COVID-19 COVID-19-Interventions and innovations for immigrants Published: May 4, 2022 In order to highlight the contribution of the various partners who have contributed to the creation of L’organisme pour l’intégration, la citoyenneté et l’inclusion (L’ICI) for newcomers on the territory of Montreal-North, L’ICI in collaboration with Philanthropic Foundations Canada have organized an interactive webinar around the virtual table of experts on the issues of immigration and successful integration. Videos COVID-19 COVID-19-Interventions and innovations for immigrants In order to highlight the contribution of the various partners who have contributed to the creation of L’organisme pour l’intégration, la citoyenneté et l’inclusion (L’ICI) for newcomers on the territory of Montreal-North, L’ICI in collaboration with Philanthropic Foundations Canada have organized an interactive webinar around the virtual table of experts on the issues of immigration and successful integration. Our panelists, who are active in the field at both the local and regional levels, addressed the theme from a number of angles, focusing on the challenges encountered in welcoming and accompanying immigrants in the context of COVID-19. The role of philanthropy in the current context will also be highlighted, as well as current actions and possible perspectives, with a special focus on the challenges and opportunities faced by organizations in the context of deconfinement. The webinar is intended to be a moment of exchange, dialogue and sharing on the realities experienced by organizations that are at the heart of the reception and successful integration of immigrants in Montreal and more specifically in Montreal North, which was the epicenter of the community contamination of COVID-19 during the first wave and for which it is now a question of being better prepared in case of a second wave. Moderator Sandrine Messomo (Services Coordinator, Evaluation Manager at L’ICI) Panelists Roger Petit-Frère (President of the Board of Directors of L’ICI and Treasurer and Dean of the Board of Directors of the Table de quartier de Montréal-Nord), Alia Hassan-Cournol (Executive Director of ALPA – Accueil liaison pour arrivants), Yannick Boucher (Director of Immigrant Services at ALPA – Accueil liaison pour arrivants) and Marie-Christine Ladouceur-Girard (Director of the Bureau d’intégration des nouveaux arrivants à Montréal, BINAM). The presentation and the video. Some ideas of organizations for children: CAMF – Carrefour Action Municipale Famille, Coup de pouce jeunesse with the peer helper modality in reception classes, Centre l’Escale with TAPAJ, socio economic integration of youth, Réseau Une école montréalaise pour tous, Say ca, Le Dispensaire (Montreal dietetics) and Centres de pédiatrie sociale. For more information. Here is a very short follow-up survey – if you can take (less than) 5 minutes to let us know what additional tools, resources, assistance you need to navigate COVID-19. We, as PFC and as a sector, can work to answer, support and help all of us stay ahead. Details and registration link for our next webinar: Wednesday, September 30, 2-3:15 PM (ET) #WebinarWednesday – The Community Response to COVID-19 in Montreal (Simultaneous English Interpretation Available)