COVID-19 Equity, Inclusion & Diversity

COVID-19, Data and Learning

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have tremendous impacts on our communities, philanthropic foundations have been stepping up to respond as best and as quickly as they can to the emerging needs.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have tremendous impacts on our communities, philanthropic foundations have been stepping up to respond as best and as quickly as they can to the emerging needs. There are a variety of collaborations, strategies, and approaches that are being put in place. All of these are highlighting the need for robust strategies to enable funders to make informed granting decisions. PFC and other philanthropic networks have worked together to develop “Five Guiding Principles for Supporting Grantees”. These principles are intended as a guiding tool for funders when thinking about how to respond to the current situation. During the crisis, what type of information or knowledge is required to operationalize these principles? What is the crisis highlighting in terms of data needs that funders require to have the most impactful short and longer-term responses? What does it take for a funder to come out of this crisis a stronger learning organization? What can be put in place to enable foundations to share data with other funders to facilitate collaboration and synergies? These are some of the questions that we will try to address during this webinar.

Presentation Slides:…

SDGs- related:…

Dealing with a Data Disaster:… 485884e857db

Announcement: “Learning Practices in Times of Crisis”, authored by Ben Liadsky for PFC to be released next week.

Learning and Impact Measurement:…

To fill in the COVID-19 Data Mapping Survey:  ENG: FR:

Here is a very short follow up survey– if you can take (less than) 5 minutes to let us know what additional tools, resources, support you need to navigate COVID-19, we, as PFC and as a sector, can work to respond and support and help us all stay ahead: LESS