COVID-19 and Working with Non-Qualified Donees

Join Troy McEachren and Susan Manwaring as they take you through the key requirements for working with non-registered charities and other non-qualified donees.

Join Troy McEachren and Susan Manwaring as they take you through the key requirements for working with non-registered charities and other non-qualified donees. This session will talk about the CRA requirements and how to best meet the rules practically and in a way that protects your Foundation and supports those organizations on the ground who are working with those who have needs.

Pdf version of the PPT in EN:…

And here is a very short follow up survey– if you can take the (less than) 5 minutes to let us know what additional tools, resources, support you need to navigate COVID-19, we, as PFC and as a sector, can work to respond and support and help us all stay ahead: