Partnership Projects Canadian Philanthropic Commitment on Climate Change Programs & Initiatives Partnership Projects Canadian Philanthropic Commitment on Climate Change The Canadian Philanthropy Commitment on Climate Change is a call on all foundations and other funders in this land to signal their commitment to act on climate change regardless of their respective missions. If left unaddressed, the impacts of climate change can undo our work to advance equity, health, poverty alleviation, economic prosperity, Indigenous and human rights, especially those who will be disproportionately affected – and all issues and communities on which we hope to have a positive impact as philanthropic actors. Learn more: All signatories are encouraged to register for as many gatherings offered in 2023 as possible. A joint initiative of Philanthropic Foundations Canada, Community Foundations of Canada, Environment Funders Canada, and The Circle on Philanthropy. Consider joining We invite foundations and other funders to read and sign the pledge to signal their commitment across any of the seven pillars of action. We work with signatory foundations to support them in their journey and provide them with resources, learning opportunities and a community of peers working toward the same goals. Signatories join a global community of foundations and other funders under the #PhilanthropyForClimate movement of philanthropic actors committing to act on climate.