Webinar in partnership with Public Policy Forum –Perspectives on the Disbursement Quota: how much should charities been mandated to allocate? 13 April 2022 / Registration Closed Published: April 13, 2022 Events Webinar in partnership with Public Policy Forum –Perspectives on the Disbursement Quota: how much should charities been mandated to allocate? As part of their Member Event Series, PFC has partnered with PPF to host a discussion on increasing the disbursement quota from its current rate of 3.5%. The disbursement quota is the minimum percentage of assets charities are required to grant out or spend on charitable programs each year. While it applies to all charities, the policy is a predominant concern for foundations, whose typical operating models endow charitable assets, with a portion of the earnings granted out each year. Please join us for a discussion with Jean-Marc Mangin, CEO, Philanthropic Foundations Canada and Yonis Hassan, Chief Executive Officer, Justice Fund Toronto, moderated by Jehad Aliweiwi, Executive Director, Laidlaw Foundation. A third speaker will be announced shortly! You are invited to submit questions and comments ahead of time to Chelsea Berry.