In Person PFC Members & Funders

Vancouver Regional Member Gathering

13 June 2024 / Registration Closed


Board and staff of PFC members based in British Columbia, as well as foundations strongly considering membership.


This special gathering will be an opportunity to connect in person with regionally-based peers and to enjoy a presentation and a discussion about PFC’s new Landscape Report Research on Canadian philanthropic foundations.

Presenter: Michele Fugiel Gartner, PhD, Lead Researcher, Philanthropic Foundations Canada

Using a mix of currently available but under-analysed or unreported quantitative data, along with new qualitative data gathered through extensive interviews, this research looks at foundations’ history and the current state of the regulation, assets, and grantmaking. It presents key takeaways for practitioners, policy makers, and the public. The research also discusses the changing landscape of the purposes, approaches, and roles of Canada’s philanthropic foundations, and invites attendees into a conversation of this evolution.

The full Landscape Report will have been released earlier in the spring and the gathering will also be an opportunity to hear about PFC’s new and evolved Research agenda, including the forthcoming Compensation survey, the next Investment survey, and another new forthcoming research initiative we’re calling the Working in Foundations report.


Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PT


Houssian Foundation, 2150, 745 Thurlow St, Vancouver, BC V6E 0C5


In person: Register by filling in this form.

We look forward to seeing you in-person soon!