Online New PFC Arts Affinity Group Kick-Off Meeting 19 July 2023 / Registration Closed Published: June 22, 2023 Events Online New PFC Arts Affinity Group Kick-Off Meeting Connecting Arts Funders in Philanthropy The Rozsa Foundation, Metcalf Foundation, and Azrieli Foundation are pleased to invite you to a conversation among philanthropic arts funders, as we kick off the new PFC Arts Affinity Group. Kick-Off meeting on Wednesday, July 19 @ 12:30 PM ET (online) All current PFC members and potential members are welcome to join to explore how philanthropic arts funders can leverage collective action for greater impact. Co-organizers Simon Mallett (Rozsa), Jason van Eyk (Azrieli), Michael Trent (Metcalf) Program Topics will include: 1) Granting Best Practices 2) Collaboration (joint funding, thought leadership, and other shared interests) 3) Knowledge Sharing (application trends, success stories, data mining, etc.) 4) Advocacy (including related practices of policy and research) Participation criteria The group is open to anybody who is currently, or is considering, funding in Canada’s arts and culture sectors and is motivated to convene, share insights, and discuss meaningful support strategies. Registration To register, please click on this link to answer a brief questionnaire letting us know your willingness to attend and which two topics you’d be most interested in having further conversation around. Please feel free to share the event link with any colleagues who might be interested.