Conference Connect Create Change 16 - 18 October 2018 / Registration Closed Published: February 22, 2018 Events Conference Connect Create Change Let’s Keep the Conversations Going Another year, another conference over, but that doesn’t mean that the learning, exchanging, collaborating and discussing ends. This special post-conference edition of the PFC newsletter is for both attendees and non-attendees alike, to capture the look and feel of the conference, and summarize some of the key take-aways. We also provide links to some resources that were shared. The 2018 PFC Conference convened a diverse group of people engaged in organized philanthropy to explore tough questions. What is the role of philanthropy in engaging citizens in the era of polarizing populist politics? Should and how can private foundations be more publicly accountable in an age that is pushing for more openness? How do we adapt to the disruptions caused by the “fourth industrial revolution” – the digital and AI age? How can foundations take on risk for greater impact? Our conference videos give you a snapshot of how we tackled these questions at Connect. Create. Change. We also look forward to deepening our discussions, providing grantmaking and governance workshops and supporting specific funder issues through our various affinity groups through next year’s programming. Lots to look forward to in 2019! We thank everyone who contributed to and participated in our 7th biennial PFC Conference as well as our partners and sponsors. Below you will find resources shared at the conference, blogs and articles and the full plenary videos. Hilary Pearson, President, PFC