Investment Roundtable 

The Invesment Roundtable is a regular facilitated and peer-driven series of discussions for investment practitioners and leaders who have oversight and influence on their foundations’ investment practices.

This forum provides a unique and dedicated space for grantmaking and foundation investment staff and board members to discuss emerging investment trends in the sector as well as challenges and opportunities peers are facing, helping PFC members build networks and learnings with colleagues from across Canada. 

Who is this group for?

This group is open to anyone working at a grantmaking organization, including PFC members and non-members. Organizational types include:

  • private foundations
  • public foundations (community foundation)
  • corporate giving program
  • not-for-profit grantmaker
  • government grantmaker
  • and/or donor advised fund.    

How to join

To join this group, please complete the form on this webpage. Once submitted, our team will review your application and follow up with you regarding your admission

For Grantseekers

We recognize there is interest from the broader charitable sector to learn more about specific issues and connect with grantmakers.

We suggest you access resources like Grant Connect to get information and sign up for PFC’s newsletter to learn about other opportunities like webinars and our bi-annual conference.

About Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups bring together individuals with shared professional interests to collaborate, learn, and network.

These peer-led groups provide a supportive environment for exchanging ideas, tackling challenges, and deepening expertise through regular meetings, discussions, and collaborative projects.

Members lead workshops and interactive sessions to help foster both personal and professional growth.